Examples of my sketchbook work. In this project my brief was "5 senses 10 spaces". Using art we had to create pieces to aid those in a dementia nursing home. I used various different mediums; thick oil paint, watercolours, ripping up and scanning flowers and then digitally altering them to copy the work of Andy Warhol, digitally drawing images and using traditionally created backgrounds using ink and paint, and linocutting from reference photographs from the Zoology Museum in Cambridge. I really enjoyed this project as it allowed me to work more traditionally and be more messy.
During this assignment "Micromacro", I was tasked with creating artwork on a bigger scale that could be transferred to the side of a new science building opening in Cambridge. I began my process with creating random silk painting patterns, which I then scanned into Photoshop and began to play around with. I then also played around with dynamic images of buildings to see if I could make something that looked cell-like from them. I then took to bleaching photos as inspiration, hoping that maybe if I took the project brief and turned it on its head I could gain some insight.